Title | Caesarweed (Urena lobata) |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ |
Rating | 4.25 |
Vetted | Trusted |
Description | Caesarweed is classified as a "noxious" weed. It's often found growing along roadsides and disturbed areas. As you can tell, it's a member of the mallow family. Although used as a famine food in some countries, even Eat The Weeds describes it as barely edible. The seeds are 5-10mm burrs covered with hooked spines that stick to clothing but do not hurt. Caesarweed was imported to Florida in the 19th century as a cordage crop and produces strong fibers. It has a wide array of medicinal uses including broad spectrum antibacterial and anti-fungal activity, reducing fevers and lowering blood pressure. This is another plant with extrafloral nectaries that attract and reward insects, particularly ants. The above plant was a virtual city of happy, busy little creatures! An interesting weed indeed. www.eattheweeds.com/caesar-weed-sampler/ |
Original URL | http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8178/8038461990_2fa7cfe9e5_o.jpg |
photographer | Bob Peterson |
provider | Flickr: EOL Images |